DermalMD Stretch Mark Serum Review

Our skin's ability to stretch, grow, and bounce back is truly a remarkable feat. Stretch marks are a result of rapid growth or weight gain, or rapid weight loss. They also make their appearance most commonly after pregnancy. Our skin has an amazing ability to stretch and bounce back but sometimes when it is stretched past its limit (and too quickly) we end up with stretch marks. For some it can be embarrassing (I know it was for me for a while) but stretch marks are actually a pretty normal thing.

While I was pregnant I would apply cocoa butter on my belly every day to try and avoid getting stretch marks but they still found their way onto my belly. I am convinced it could have been a lot worse. I tried several home made remedies and a few different moisturizers to no avail.

What DermalMD Stretch Mark Serum Did For Me

I have to share that by far, DermalMD Stretch Mark Serum delivered the most result. I found this product about 3 months post partum and started using it then. It was recommended by a friend who suggested that it could help with my stretch mark situation. It does so much more than just moisturize (which is what I felt the other products were just doing). You can count on it reducing the appearance of your stretch marks and help your skin recover.
One great thing to do is to catch this product when its on sale. That is when I was able to take advantage of it. Ordering it is easy and although shipping might sometimes take a bit, it is totally worth the wait. You can read more about their stretch mark serum and even see how it helped others by visiting their website at:


  1. Ill have to getthis cream for my stretch marks. Thanx for posting :-)

  2. I was gifted this from a friend after my pregnancy ans it really has made a difference for me. I am om my second one.

  3. Stretch marks after pregnancy are rough becayse I want to be able to wesr my bathingsuit this summer. I just ordered some and hope it can work in time to go to the beach.

  4. I been using tjis for 1 wk. It feels great but when will I see it improve?

  5. Works gr8t! ....A must have for ur stretxh marks.

  6. I really suggest this cream if you have stretchmarks. It has helped me out so munch after my pregnancy. Its like you mention, sometimes you think youll escape without any stretch marks but its almost impossible. The Dermalmd stretch mark serum was smooth and you can notice results after a week or so. I think it would even make a great mom gift to help them on their after birth journey to beauty.

  7. I know lots of women get this but it works for guy skin too. Had some on my arms from when I gained weight and been using it after.

  8. Its great for all kinds of stretchmarks, pregnancy or not. Easy to apply just costs a bit more.

  9. I Use this daily for stretcmarks. The dermalmd serum is worth it

  10. the dermalmd serum is just great. My dr recommended is apply it and daily as im a dancer and so far Ive been beyond pleased

  11. Yes the Dermalmd serum is incredible gives fast result and keeps the skin elastic love love it!

  12. I always go for shea butter in combination with the dermalMD serum..the combination just makes the skin new again

  13. if you want both good prices and quality I recommend the dermalmd obgyn prescribed it while I was pregnant and had no strecthmarks at all

  14. The dermal md serum is great for white strecthmarks I never had violet fades them easy and nourishes the skin also


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